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The combined expertise of the English language and information technology acquired over several years gives BestTrad recognition of translation engineering expertise with the major players in the markets : Aerospace, Defence, Telecoms and Media, Transport, Medical, administration, Energy and Industry.

This expertise in both software and hardware allows to meet the major challenges of our customers from the industrial and tertiary sectors by giving them a genuine offer of translation covering the phases of the R & D and design to completion.

 Technical Translations

With globalization, product visibility at international level is a major competitive asset of success.

The internationalization of a technological and/or industrial company involves document exchange and thus translation projects of all types:

.Technical translation of normative documents.
.Technical translation of quotations, specifications and answers to tenders.
.Technical translation of directions and manuals.
.Technical translation of specialized communication media.
.Technical translation of certification reports, of accreditation or qualification.

 Sectoral translation

  • In the technology sector:
    .Computers and software.
    .Electronics / Embedded computing.