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Frequently Asked Questions
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How do I request a quotation?

Send the documents to be translated by email, fax or mail.

The quotation we submit back is personalized. It takes into account the length of the text, its technical difficulty, the requested time limits, ...

Which languages are translated by BestTrad?

 Our working languages ​​are, for the moment, English, Spanish and French. For other languages​​, please contact us.

 How do you guarantee the quality of the translations?

The procedure followed by BestTrad is stringent :
- We read the document and contact your service in case of house terminology or particular difficulties related to your specificity
- Translation by a professional translator
- Validation by another professional translator
- Follow-up with your own services

Is there a base rate?

The length of the document is the first parameter enabling to calculate the cost. There is no minimum length. BestTrad can translate a line or a word. However, for short translations, a minimum charge is applied to cover the fixed costs of management.

 What are the delivery time limits of the translation?

The deadlines are defined with the client, and we meet them. On average, after two working days (+ mailing delays if any) for a translation of a few pages. We can also translate in an emergency. Contact us.

  Why not just charge to the page?

Because a page may include 3 lines, or 40. Fonts and line spacing can vary greatly. The text can be simple or highly technical. This is why we need to read the document before providing an estimate. This avoids any surprises for the client as well as for the translator. For usual documents, we have set prices. Contact us.

 What difference is there between a translator and an interpreter?

 A translator works on a written medium. An interpreter provides an oral performance.
There exist three types of interpretation :
- Simultaneous conference interpreting : the interpreter renders in real time in a foreign language the message he receives orally in another language.
- Consecutive conference interpreting : the interpreter waits for the end of the intervention to render orally the entire presentation or speech.
- The relational interpretation : the interpreter intervenes in the course of a meeting or conversation and interprets the exchanges progressively.

Is it more economical to have a document translated in-house?

Do you have a professional translator internally? If this is not the case, think again. Knowing a language is one thing, knowing a second language is another, knowing how to go from one language to another is yet another thing. Are your skilled employees more useful to you when they busy themselves with translation or when they dedicate themselves to work inherent in their abilities?

 And if I translated my documents by an automatic translation engine on the internet?

This type of translation can be useful if you want to know roughly what the document is about. But focusing your communication on this type of translation seems hazardous.

The translator called me to ask questions about the document to be translated. Is this normal?

Yes. The translator reads your document carefully. He or she can identify passages unclear or meet a house terminology with which he is unfamiliar. The fact that he calls you is evidence that he is concerned about delivering good quality work.

What is a surface correction?

Unlike the deep or thorough correction that corrects spelling mistakes and content, surface correction considers only any spelling mistakes.